Guide for Granite Memorial Headstones for Grave

A Gravestone Memorials give you one final option to remember and honor your loved one who has passed away from this universe and it is a tribute to their life that will stay behind for many years, so selecting the right Memorial Headstones is essential. In this article we like to guide you each and every feature of choosing, buying and maintaining a gravestone.

Types of Gravestone Memorials

There are numerous types of gravestone memorials available in all varieties of sizes, shapes and materials; each one can be bespoke to craft something absolutely exclusive.


Standing headstones are the most common gravestone in the cemetery. In most of the situations they are tall, rounded and thick with a concrete support. They are generally 3 feet high by 2 ½ feet wide by 1 foot deep. Most of this standing headstone materials are granite and marble.

Flat Gravestones

These are the most simple gravestones which are likely to be rectangular in shape. They are usually available cheaper than other headstones and contain little information about the person. The most common materials of this Flat or ground level gravestones are granite or bronze. 


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